Playing Mommy

I remember when I was a kid, I used to watch my friends in their pigtails play Mommy. They would pretend to cook and serve meals and act like perfect little hostesses, drinking their tea out of their little plastic cups, with their pinkie fingers stuck out. I would watch from a safe distance, but never gave into their blandishments to join in the ‘fun’. I somehow could never quite picture myself in the role of cooking, cleaning, and wiping behinds, but then it seemed a distant way off, so I just put it out of my mind and went back to climbing trees, scraping knees.

The years went by in a whirl and before I knew it, I was married and a mother at 22. They train you to be a doctor and lawyer and teacher, but no one gives you classes on parenting. And it is not as if one can ask to start all over again if one makes mistakes. ‘Hey Mom, I put the baby into the bath water and it was too hot, what should I do now? He’s looking kinda red and is squalling away.’ Can I hit on the rewind button and test the temperature of the water, this time with my elbow? No.Parenting can be tough.

You know what I really hate most are those quizzes that one comes across on websites and in those glossy magazines. I always do badly in them, unless of course, it is a quiz on shoes or shares or gardening. But, the ones on parenting and cooking…I really suck at them. Take for example this quiz, which I came across the other day on a website. I should have known better than to go near it, for the very title spelled out- BEWARE. But, then I do like walking a bit on the wild side and so I clicked on the link which said- Are you an outstanding mother? Now I did not much like the sound of that. What about being a wonderful mother, or a great mother, or just plain ole Mom? Gold, silver and bronze medals to be won here too?

The first question was an easy one- Did you elect for a C-section? I clicked on No and thought hey, this was going to be a snap. What kind of diapers did you use for your baby? Cloth ones. And that was only because disposable diapers hadn’t yet come to India 24 years ago, but then the quizzers didn’t have to know that. I was on a winning streak. Sometimes you wait longer than usual to see why your baby is crying. Naah..not at all. I never had to see why she was crying, because there were two adoring grandparents all the time around, who would pick her up at the slightest sound of a whimper. I was on a roll here.

Then the questions got a bit tougher. If you unexpectedly came across 50 bucks you had secreted away and had forgotten about, would you buy yourself a nice dress or your child a pair of shoes? Hmm, now this couldn’t be answered in a jiffy like the others. With a slight sneer about the kind of ‘nice dress’ that I could buy myself for just 50 bucks, I answered, Dress and moved on to the next one. It was a cakewalk – Do your children and husband have to get their own breakfast in the mornings? Of course, why should there be any doubt? Everyone knows that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My family could not be expected to go to work, and school on empty stomachs could they? And so it went on, each question being answered as honestly as I could.

The 25 questions now answered, I clicked on the tabulate results button and the page flickered, mortified, I suppose to show me my score. Your score of .025 shows that you do not have the Mother Instinct. Oh dear, I had heard of Basic Instinct, but Mother Instinct? I had thought that was something all mothers, except maybe sea horses, had naturally and that was why it was called an instinct. How could I have missed out on it, when the Good Lord was handing it out?

I put the quiz out of my mind and went on to finish some pending work, but that night I tossed about on my bed. What was I to do? Where was it that I had missed out on the scoring? Buying a dress for myself instead shoes for my daughter…? I had quieted my conscience with the thought that my daughter’s shoes would easily get her through another year and anyway children’s feet grow so quickly. Well, she had an honest mother if nothing else. Expecting my daughter and husband to get their own breakfast…in our home, it is a father-daughter ritual, which they enjoy. So what if I didn’t colour coordinate my clothes with my baby daughter’s or enter her into every competition…the way some doting mothers did. So what if for her birthdays there wasn’t every kind of confectionery on the table, and the cutest of take-away gifts.I did not think the frills were important. My meals may not have won culinary contests, but they were wholesome and healthy. Her friends were always welcome over; even the boys and they called me the cool Mom, since I saw past the earring in John’s ear and Anita’s heavy make-up.

I didn’t believe in trying to live vicariously, my life, through my daughter’s, forcing her to do things she didn’t want to do, but always let her know that she had the talent and potential to do whatever she wanted to do in life. She went from wanting to be a clown to a rock star, to the Prime Minister to an author of a best selling novel. I think I was equally enthusiastic each time about her choices.

With the cold light of the dawn, I was feeling a little better. Having no mother instinct was fine with me. It might explain why I could never coo and gurgle for hours over babies, or chuck them under their chins and engage in long hours of baby talk about stools and feeds and pretty patterned nursery curtains. If it required all that to make an Outstanding Mother, then I did not deserve to be one and I didn’t want to be one either. I had made my choices a long time ago.

I think the fact that my daughter remembers to ring me almost every day when her father is out of town, because she knows I might be lonely, buys me the little gee-gaws that she knows I like, has even asked me to come live with her, even though she knows it will cramp her style …might mean that I brought her up right after all. And maybe I am not OM, but as long as I am just mama to her, that is all I ask.

Published in: on April 22, 2009 at 3:34 pm  Comments (11)  
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Women can become pilots.
Women can wrestle in mud
Women can ride Harley Davidson’s and look better at it
Women can take out the garbage
Women can change a light bulb
Women can make their own babies…no thanks to men.

Yes, go back and read that.
According to a report in the Telegraph- Sperm cells have been created from a female human embryo in a remarkable breakthrough that suggests it may be possible for lesbian couples to have their own biological children.

Sperm created from a female embryo?? A possibility soon? Does that mean men may become extinct? Survival of the fittest and all that?

Published in: on April 10, 2009 at 2:51 pm  Comments (1)  

Something to be concerned about- Autism

Autism Day has come and gone. Everyone remembers Rain Man and the stellar performance of Dustin Hoffman in that movie, right? But till today autism remains one of the greatest mysteries of medicine. Although it is now being diagnosed in 1 among 150 children, and cuts across race, socioeconomic and cultural barriers, we still do not know enough about this neurological disorder. Other diseases can at least be confirmed through a blood test or a scan, but autism relies on an observation of the behaviour of the individual, which makes it even more difficult to diagnose. There are three distinctive behaviours that characterize autism-

· Lack of social interaction

· Problems with verbal and nonverbal communication.

· Repetitive behaviour and narrow obsessive interests.

The problem lies in the wide spectrum that can be seen in the behaviour with some displaying nothing more than just avoiding eye contact while others totally withdraw into a make believe world of their own. I think what bugs the hell (pardon my expression) out of people who have autism or parents who have autistic kids, is the need for society to label and put them into boxes, which more often harms than helps. Showcasing some of their stories to make people more aware can also backfire, making people feel that all autistics are exactly the same.

Today many scientists believe that genetics plays a very big role in the development of autism, with a trigger setting it off….either some kind of social setting or toxins. So far they still haven’t found that missing part of the puzzle.

Quite often autism is diagnosed a little late in life, since parents rarely want to accept the reason their child is not like others and would rather believe that it is just a developmental lag. In the long run this could be bad since the earlier children are diagnosed the sooner the treatment can begin. Doctors say that since the brain develops fastest during birth to 5 years of age, early intervention is very necessary. Today, pediatricians have been given guidelines on how to recognize early signs of autism, in order to get children the help they need as soon as possible.

Today, the number one fear of parents is their child being diagnosed with autism, especially with Ireland and England reporting that Autism is already affecting 1 in 58 children. The biggest battle that rages today is between those who believe that autism is caused by vaccines and those who just do not give credence to that theory. In the 1980s children in the US received only 10 vaccines by age 5, whereas today they are given 36 immunizations, most of them by age 2. With billions of pharmaceutical dollars involved in this, could it be possible that the vaccine program is becoming more of a profit engine then a means of prevention? When we go to a doctor, don’t they usually ask you if you are allergic to some drug or the other? Then how is it that we presume that all vaccines should suit all kids. One suit definitely cannot fit all. Is that where the problem lies?

Some answer will have to be found very soon, since with the rapidly increasing statistics something is going wrong drastically somewhere no one has the answers to how are we cope in an already stressful world that has so many victims of autism.

Since signs of autism can be seen as early as six months, teachers and parents would have to play a very important part in identifying autism as early as possible .Even though there may be such a wide spectrum the core symptoms would be-

    • Significant problems developing nonverbal communication skills, such as eye-to-eye gazing, facial expressions, and body posture.
    • Failure to establish friendships with children the same age.
    • Lack of empathy. People with autism may have difficulty understanding another person’s feelings, such as pain or sorrow.
    • Delay in, or lack of, learning to talk.
    • Stereotyped and repetitive use of language. People with autism often repeat over and over a phrase they have heard previously also known as echolalia.
    • A strange focus on parts. Younger children with autism often focus on parts of toys, such as the doll’s hair, rather than the whole doll.
    • Preoccupation with certain topics. For example, older children and adults may be fascinated by collecting coins or stamps.
    • A need for sameness and routines. To open their book in a particular way. To eat their peas one by one.
    • Stereotyped behaviors which may include body rocking and hand flapping.



Published in: on April 4, 2009 at 3:09 pm  Leave a Comment  

Bio-disc- scam or genuine?



The other day a friend had come over. Now she is past 70, hard of hearing and tends to ramble a bit, so I have only myself to blame for being so taken up with something that she was raving about.

Well actually she wasn’t raving… she had dropped in to ask me for some advice (knowing I am an Internet junkie ) and wanted to know what other people were saying about how good the product actually was since she had come across as many people for it, as against it. Someone had given it to her and it had cost 32,000 smackeroos, for 2 discs. She said she had attended one of those demonstrations and her godchild had gifted it to her since she didn’t keep very good health. Now she wanted to know if it really worked.

I asked her if I could take a look at it and she dug out this piece of hardened plastic from her capacious bag. It had some circles and lines on it and was encased in a steel ring. She said she had got a steel ring put around it since her friend had dropped hers and it had broken into pieces. The product she said is known as the Bio-Disc and it is sold through a MLM scheme. The moment I hear MLM, all the red flags go up …

Beware, beware…danger ahead…

This is how they describe the Bio-disc. It sounds very, errrrr…….. technical:

Technically engineered natural minerals have been structurally bonded in glass, at molecular level, using several high-heat fusion methods. This combination of techniques causes a catalytic energy conversion which creates a long-lasting, specific natural Nano resonance in the BIO DISC.

What puzzles me is…If the product is so good, then why does it need to be sold in this way?? It was supposedly invented by Dr Ian Lyons in Germany (supposedly, because there are a whole lot of people fighting on the websites about ‘Dr’Ian’s credentials). Oh and by the way it is no longer being sold in the land of its origins. Ding-ding!! Its main market is in Asia. Hmmmm….

. It simple terms it states that whenever water flow through the disc, the molecules will be altered and enabled to create positive energy and harmonize the body’s rhythm. So anyone drinking the water which has been passed through the disc will find the toxins flowing out of their bodies and they will feel more energized.

There are videos online showing experiments of various kinds. Plants are treated to Bio-disc water and micro waved water…the difference is supposed to be amazing. The plants die with micro waved water and grow lush and green with Bio disc treated water.

Another experiment involves squeezing some skin lotion on the disc. The lotion straight out of the tube takes longer to be absorbed into the skin than the one which was on the bio-disc. So take any cheap skin lotion and use it to get maximum benefits, is the claim.

I saw one demonstration of a guy who puts his cell phone into his shirt pocket and apparently had no energy to resist his outstretched hand from being pushed downwards. But the moment he is sprayed with bio-disc water, he is able to resist the pressure…A miracle.

What amazed me, was that none of the people who came up from the audience

to be tested on said that they didn’t feel any difference, though the body language and hesitant answers showed they weren’t very convinced. Which just goes to show the difference a really powerful demonstrator with the gift of the gab, can make.

When I heard that this product had reached my home town and people had attended the demonstration in hundreds I started reading up even more about it.

Like someone said this is like offering pseudoscience to the masses in the guise of defensible research. The product I was told is sold without any warranty of any kind. NO REFUNDS.

There are also many people out there swearing to it and saying how much it has helped them.

So what did I tell my friend??

I asked her how she felt after using the BD and she said she was feeling much more energized and healthier. Since I believe that most of our healing takes place because we believe that we are being healed, I told her that a lot of people believed in it and if she felt it was helping, then why did she need any more evidence. After all, isn’t this we call the Placebo Effect??

Published in: on April 3, 2009 at 1:49 pm  Leave a Comment  

confusion confounded

Well, I have been going through the Support Page and I suppose they do try to make it very easy to understand with all the videos and whatever, but I am still going around in circles……..have been playing around with changing the look of my blog and well… least that is happening.:)

You know what my actual problem is- I have been signing up for so many different online forums and websites and hubs and whatnot that I cannot quite remember what each one is about 😉

Oh well, Tomorrow is another day……….

I suppose I could give my addled brains a lil rest and then try checking out some of the features again.

Published in: on April 2, 2009 at 1:59 pm  Leave a Comment  



blogging blues

Gawd…… new to this kind of blogging. Still trying to get the hang of it. Still trying to understand where I have to go to post, to delete, to edit, to add a widget…what’s that and why should I?? RSS feeds, trackbacks… Still have to read up on all that. Thank heavens for so much of online help. And Twitter…..shucks, signed up for that yesterday, just because I read in the news that Jennifer Anniston said good bye to her boyfriend  because he twittered so much. Is that a new verb?? A new reason to be cited in divorce courts…?? I wouldn’t know. But hey it is a new world out there and now I have some time to learn all about it. But coming back to Jenny and the errant boyfriend…is Twitter really so addictive?? I should find out…soon.

My poor hubby.

Oh well this is my first post and I hope it gets posted without further ado, since I have have been struggling just to get wordpress to accept my username and it just refused to, so I am making do with this one.

You have a long way to go baby……in this techie world.

And the reason for this post is to remind me of how far I have managed to go in a  world where few people over 40 have dared to tread….though of course those numbers are growing now. So add me to them… a month or two….maybe…….. 🙂

Published in: on April 2, 2009 at 8:05 am  Leave a Comment